
Below you find details that cover packaging a Python based Snap plugin. Packaging a python plugin depends on the following tools being installed and appropriately configured.

Using the acbuild tool we will create an archive that contains a relocatable python virtualenv with our plugin and dependencies. The archive includes a manifest that describes how to start the plugin which will execute our entry point using the included virtualenv.

Creating the virtual environment

I’m using pyenv to manage virtualenv but you can achieve the same without it by using virtualenv (or venv) directly. In the example below we will be packaging the example collector, processor and publisher from snap-plugin-lib-py. The same approach will work for packaging any python based plugin.

Note: Assume the commands below are run from the projects root.

  1. Create a (relocatable) virtualenv
pyenv virtualenv --copies 3.5.2 snap-plugins
  1. Install the deps into the virtualenv In this example we are packaging the example plugin which is contained in a single py file so we’ll install the plugin lib snap-plugin-lib-py directly into our virtualenv with the following command (Note: the virtual env should be activated). pip install snap-plugin-lib-py
  2. Create the aci
    1. acbuild acbuild begin
    2. acbuild set-name randpy
    3. acbuild copy ~/.pyenv/versions/3.5.2/envs/snap-plugins .venv
    4. acbuild copy ./examples/collector/
    5. acbuild set-exec ./.venv/bin/python
    6. acbuild write snap-plugin-collector-randpy-linux-x86_64.aci
    7. acbuild end

Now you’re ready to load your plugin snap-plugin-collector-randpy-linux-x86_64.aci.

On Linux systems you can run scripts/ to package up the example collector, processor and publisher.

The screen capture below demonstrates packaging the example plugins, starting snap and loading the plugin packages and starting the example task.
